In memory of Mari

This site is a tribute to Mari Palomino. She is much loved and will always be remembered.

Unfortunately flowers cannot be left at Greenacres Living Memorial Park. If you wish to pay Mari a tribute please post memories, anecdotes or photos on this webpage or consider donations to our preferred charity Cancer Research UK


Esta pagina web es un tributo a Maricarmen "La Chica". Ella es muy querida y siempre será recordada.

Lamentablemente, no se pueden dejar flores en Greenacres Living Memorial Park. Si desea rendirle un homenaje a Mari, publique recuerdos, anécdotas o fotografías en esta página web o considere hacer donaciones a nuestra organización benéfica preferida Cancer Research UK.

A Celebration of Mari's life

Funeral service is at GreenAcres Chiltern on Monday 9th September 2024 at 11am


Fundraising for


Fundraising for


Please feel free to add any messages, memories, anecdotes or pictures that you wish to share No dude en agregar cualquier mensaje, recuerdo, anécdota o imagen que desee compartir.